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Location : LOTUS SUITE 14 & online.
Date : 15 August 2024.
Times : all times are local (Bangkok, GMT+7).
Registration rates : Please refer to the ACL website.

9:00-10:30 Session 1

- Opening remarks
- Paper presentations:

  • Towards Context-aware Normalization of Variant Characters in Classical Chinese Using Parallel Editions and BERT Florian Kessler
  • Ancient Wisdom, Modern Tools: Exploring Retrieval-Augmented LLMs for Ancient Indian Philosophy Priyanka Mandikal ★ outstanding paper
  • A new machine-actionable corpus for ancient text restoration Will Fitzgerald, Justin Barney
  • Lacuna Language Learning: Leveraging RNNs for Ranked Text Completion in Digitized Coptic Manuscripts Lauren Elizabeth Levine, Cindy Tung Li, Lydia BremerMcCollum, Nicholas E. Wagner, Amir Zeldes
  • A deep learning pipeline for the palaeographical dating of ancient Greek papyrus fragments Graham West, Matthew I. Swindall, James H. Brusuelas, Francesca Maltomini, Marius Gerhardt, Marzia D’Angelo, John F. Wallin
  • Coarse-to-Fine Generative Model for Oracle Bone Inscriptions Inpainting Shibin Wang, Wenjie Guo, Yubo Xu, Dong Liu, Xueshan Li ★ outstanding paper

10:30-11:00 Coffee and poster session 1

- Poster presentations:

  • Exploring intertextuality across the Homeric poems through language models Maria Konstantinidou, John Pavlopoulos, Elton Barker
  • The Metronome Approach to Sanskrit Meter: Analysis for the Rigveda Yuzuki Tsukagoshi, Ikki Ohmukai
  • UD-ETCSUX: Toward a Better Understanding of Sumerian Syntax Kenan Jiang, Adam G Anderson
  • Adapting transformer models to morphological tagging of two highly inflectional languages: a case study on Ancient Greek and Latin Alek Keersmaekers, Wouter Mercelis
  • "Gotta catch `em all!": Retrieving people in Ancient Greek texts combining transformer models and domain knowledge Marijke Beersmans, Alek Keersmaekers, Evelien de Graaf, Tim Van de Cruys, Mark Depauw, Margherita Fantoli

11:00-12:30 Session 2

- Keynote #1
- Paper presentations:

  • Classification of Paleographic Artifacts at Scale: Mitigating Confounds and Distribution Shift in Cuneiform Tablet Dating Danlu Chen, Jiahe Tian, Yufei Weng, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Jacobo Myerston
  • Latin Treebanks in Review: An Evaluation of Morphological Tagging Across TimeMarisa Hudspeth, Brendan O’Connor, Laure Thompson
  • Leveraging Part-of-Speech Tagging for Enhanced Stylometry of Latin Literature Sarah Li Chen, Patrick J. Burns, Thomas J Bolt, Pramit Chaudhuri, Joseph P. Dexter
  • SumTablets: A Transliteration Dataset of Sumerian Tablets Cole Simmons, Richard Diehl Martinez, Dan Jurafsky
  • UFCNet: Unsupervised Network based on Fourier transform and Convolutional attention for Oracle Character Recognition Yanan Zhou, Guoqi Liu, Yiping Yang, Linyuan Ru, Dong Liu, Xueshan Li
  • Long Unit Word Tokenization and Bunsetsu Segmentation of Historical Japanese Hiroaki Ozaki, Kanako Komiya, Masayuki Asahara, Toshinobu Ogiso

12:45-13:45 Lunch break

14:00-15:30 Session 3

- Keynote #2
- Paper presentations:

  • CuReD: Deep Learning Optical Character Recognition for Cuneiform Text Editions and Legacy Materials Shai Gordin, Morris Alper, Avital Romach, Luis Daniel Saenz Santos, Naama Yochai, Roey Lalazar
  • Neural Lemmatization and POS-tagging models for Coptic, Demotic and Earlier Egyptian Aleksi Sahala, Eliese-Sophia Lincke
  • Challenging Error Correction in Recognised Byzantine Greek John Pavlopoulos, Vasiliki Kougia, Esteban Garces Arias, Paraskevi Platanou, Stepan Shabalin, Konstantina Liagkou, Emmanouil Papadatos, Holger Essler, Jean-Baptiste Camps, Franz Fischer ★ outstanding paper
  • MsBERT: A New Model for the Reconstruction of Lacunae in Hebrew Manuscripts Avi Shmidman, Ometz Shmidman, Hillel Gershuni, Moshe Koppel
  • Deep Learning Meets Egyptology: a Hieroglyphic Transformer for Translating Ancient Egyptian Mattia De Cao, Nicola De Cao, Angelo Colonna, Alessandro Lenci
  • Classifier identification in Ancient Egyptian as a low-resource sequence-labelling task Dmitry Nikolaev, Jorke Grotenhuis, Haleli Harel, Orly Goldwasser

15:30-16:00 Coffee and poster session 2

- Poster presentations:

  • Detecting Narrative Patterns in Biblical Hebrew and Greek Hope McGovern, Hale Sirin Ryan, Tom Lippincott, Andrew Caines
  • Restoring Mycenaean Linear B 'A&B' series tablets using supervised and transfer learning Katerina Papavassileiou, Dimitrios Kosmopoulos
  • Application of Machine Learning to the Critical Edition of Ancient Greek Inscriptions: Ithaca and the Corpus of Oracular Inscriptions of Dodona Elena Martín González
  • A Dataset for Metaphor Detection in Early Medieval Hebrew Poetry Michael Toker, Oren Mishali, Ophir Münz-Manor, Benny Kimelfeld, Yonatan Belinkov
  • Predicate Sense Disambiguation for UMR Annotation of Latin: Challenges and Insights Federica Gamba

16:00-17:30 Session 4

- Panel
- Best paper award
- Closing remarks